Thursday, October 11, 2007


To touch on a point I mentioned yesterday, I wrote about how I was sort of angered (or perplexed) as to how two of my wife's friends could be so blasé about what she had done. I wondered to myself if perhaps I was so bad (or perhaps she portrayed me in such a negative light) that they thought it was a good thing, or was no big deal. Or maybe it's simply a gender difference.

I know if I were in the same situation as her friends were, I too would be supportive and listen. But beyond any shadow of a doubt, I would let the other person know that it is absolutely imperative that he or she talk to his or her spouse! I know I would. That just seems like the natural thing that one should do. Perhaps it's that whole "Men Are From Mars - Women Are From Venus" concept. Maybe me, as a male, automatically moves into "problem solving mode." I detect a problem in my friend's marriage. And I therefore suggest that my friend go to his or her spouse to discuss it. While women on the other hand, may feel the need to talk about their feelings. I don't know. Of course if a married woman does want to talk about her feelings in this situation, wouldn't her husband be one of the first persons she should talk to?

To touch on another point from yesterday, I still wonder about my wife's motives in doing what she did. Perhaps at times I was selfish or lazy. And those are things I am certainly capable of working on - and have done so. But I also have plenty of good points. For one thing, I have ALWAYS supported everything my wife has ever tried to do. Be it a number of in-home businesses, weight loss, or anything else. I have always encouraged her and never once put her ideas down, or told her she was crazy. And by the same token, I've always given her her own space. I have never minded if she wants to do her own thing, or if she needs to get out of the house by herself for awhile, or if she wants to spend a night out with a friend. I don't think I'm the only husband in the world who has been that supportive. But I do believe I'm in a minority.

I think I'm a good catch. I really do. At least I've always thought I was. I'm far from perfect. And I will always strive to correct my shortcomings. Have I been wrong in my own self-evaluation?

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